
机器型号 LWH500高速卧式滚动贴标机
机器尺寸 2000(L)×1000(W)×1700(H)mm
贴标速度 30-450pcs/min(视贴标物大小和标签长短而定)
标签物高度 25-95mm
标签精度 +1mm(不计贴标物和标签误差)
标签长度 20-80mm


Applicable scope


The fully automatic horizontal rolling self-adhesive labelingmachine can meet the needs of products such as ampoules, oral liquids, andblood collection vessels in the pharmaceutical industry; Pen in the stationeryindustryProducts such as poles, solid adhesives, paste pens, etc; Lipstick,eyebrow pencil and other products in the cosmetics industry; Round productssuch as ham and sausages that cannot stand in the meat industryAutomatedlabeling for the entire or half week.


Product features

设备主要材质为SUS304不锈钢和铝合金,布局美观大方/整机执行机构稳定可靠,操作方便/电器控制采用全球知名品牌电气元器件,性能稳定/ 贴透明标签不起泡,无褶皱/中英文触控操作系统,采用德国西门子PLC与伺服电机闭环控制,确保高速稳定贴标/标站采用大功率、大扭矩、小惯量伺服电机送标/采用自主专利技术,全自动上料装置与特殊倾斜式辊轮输送设计,确保被贴物准确进入贴标工位,实现上料贴标一次性完成真正实现自动化/ 采用自主专利技术,扶标机构设计,确保贴标无翘边、无气泡/可单机作业或与高速灌装线连线生产,提高生产效率、节约生产成本,亦可根据用户使用要求特殊设计。

The main materials of the equipment are SUS304 stainless steel andaluminum alloy, with a beautiful and elegant layout. The entire executionmechanism is stable and reliable, and easy to operate. The electrical controladopts globally renowned brand electrical components, with stable performance.Transparent labels are pasted without bubbles and wrinkles. The touch controloperating system in both Chinese and English is adopted, and the German SiemensPLC and servo motor closed-loop control are used to ensure high-speed andstable labeling. The labeling station adopts high-power, high torque, and smallinertia servo motors for labeling. Independent patent technology is used, andthe fully automatic feeding device and special inclined roller conveyor designare used to ensure that the labeled object accurately enters the labelingstation, achieving one-time completion of labeling. True automation isachieved. Independent patent technology is adopted, and the labeling mechanismdesign ensures that labeling is free of warping edges and bubbles. It can beoperated alone or connected to high-speed filling lines to improve productionefficiency and save production costs. It can also be specially designedaccording to user requirements.